For a short or a long holiday, come to Molecaten in Gelderland. You can book a camping cabin in a few steps.
A holiday in a camping cabin offers the comfort of renting with the ambiance of camping. For those who do not have their own tent or caravan but still like the camping vibe, the camping cabin is the solution. Renting a camping cabin is just a few online steps away. The camping cabin is furnished with real beds, TV, toilet and kitchenette with dishwasher! For a shower you go to the sanitary building on the campsite.
The province of Gelderland has the most varied nature in our country, because of the Veluwe. Less known in Gelderland, but surprisingly beautiful are the 9 Hanseatic cities along the IJssel and the Veluwe Lake. For children, there are numerous attractions in Gelderland. Think of the Bakery Museum, the “Apenheul’’ and Burger Zoo. Gelderland offers you beautiful regions!