For a short or a long holiday, you come to Molecaten in the region Duin- en Bollenstreek. A camping pitch is booked in a few steps.
Camping at the best campsite? You will find that campsite here! Whether you go camping with your tent, tepee, tunnel tent, trailer tent or caravan: for every camping fan we have a suitable camping pitch. Good to know: the longer you camp with Molecaten the cheaper the price gets! Booking a camping holiday? Book your camping spot easily online.
In the Dune and Bulb region, you can alternate between a lazy day at the beach, a walk through the ‘Coepelduin’ dune or a visit to Holland’s most historical cities such as Leiden, Haarlem and Delft. You should definitely visit in spring, because in spring the colourful flower fields are the number one sight in the area.
Noordduinen, Katwijk aan Zee, Duin- en Bollenstreek
- Comfort pitch in Katwijk aan Zee, approx. 100 m2
- water, 10 amp. electricity and CAI
- no pets allowed
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Noordduinen, Katwijk aan Zee, Duin- en Bollenstreek
- standard pitch close to the sea of 85-100 m2
- electricity and CAI connection
- no pets allowed
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