For a short or a long holiday, you come to Molecaten in the region Vechtdal Overijssel. A camping pitch is booked in a few steps.
Camping at the best campsite? You will find that campsite here! Whether you go camping with your tent, tepee, tunnel tent, trailer tent or caravan: for every camping fan we have a suitable camping pitch. Good to know: the longer you camp with Molecaten the cheaper the price gets! Booking a camping holiday? Book your camping spot easily online.
The ‘Vecht’ is the pride of the ‘Overijsselse’ valley of the ‘Vecht’ and meanders through a stunning landscape with charming little villages and estates. A landscape where you can either find peace and quiet aplenty or take part in exciting outdoor activities. Sandwiched between the ‘Vecht’, the ‘Zwarte Water’ and the ‘IJssel’ is Zwolle; the capitol of the province of Overijssel. Discover this Hanseatic city and its culinary and cultural delights!
De Agnietenberg, Zwolle, Vechtdal Overijssel
- special places for small tents
- perfect for a walking or cycling holiday
- pets allowed
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De Agnietenberg, Zwolle, Vechtdal Overijssel
- with open views over the water
- water, electricity 10 amp. and CAI at the pitch
- pets allowed
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De Agnietenberg, Zwolle, Vechtdal Overijssel
- on the outskirts of the Hanseatic city of Zwolle
- water, electricity 10 amp. and CAI at the pitch
- pets allowed
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