Being active in the surroundings of Molecaten Park Legénd Estate

Discover the special places on foot or by bike

Walk and cycle to your heart's content! Sharpen your senses for game, beautiful birds and wild flowers.
  • During your walk, bike or mountain bike tour, you will be treated to beautiful views of sunflower fields and the hilly landscape. Walking or cycling is the perfect way to explore the small villages. Looking for a challenge? In the vicinity you will find the mountains Naszály (652 m) and Csóványos (938 m).
  • Horseback riding or Hungarian-style riding in a carriage. In the vicinity you will find many riding schools.
  • Golf course in Göd with 18 holes of which 9 holes are part of a nature reserve and the other holes are situated directly next to lakes.
  • Go-karting in Vác.
Omgeving Molecaten Park Legend Estate Hongarije 03