The detached holiday homes at Molecaten Park De Koerberg are in a beautiful location. On the terrace you can enjoy the sun and bird sounds. Pets allowed in some holiday homes.
With a stay in a chalet you will experience the convenience of renting with the atmosphere of camping. How nice is that! Is your pet going on holiday with you? At Molecaten Park De Koerberg you have come to the right place.
'Glamping' on the Veluwe! The camping cabin has the atmosphere of a tent, but offers all the comfort and luxury of a cabin. Pets allowed.
Don't have your own tent or caravan? Then you can rent a fully equipped tent at Molecaten Park De Koerberg! Upon arrival at the campsite, the tastefully furnished tent will be ready for you. Pets allowed.
At De Koerberg it is wonderful camping on sunny camping fields with beautiful high pines. Camping De Koerberg has a luxurious sanitary building. Pets allowed.
At De Koerberg you can enjoy camping in the woods on special camper pitches. You will have the convenience of your own camper and enjoy all the facilities on the campsite (swimming pool, restaurant). Pets allowed.
Away right now? Find your last minute holiday or weekend getaway to Molecaten Park De Koerberg in de Veluwe forests here.
Enjoy a wonderful holiday during the school holidays or public holidays! Choose your holiday period and rent a nice accommodation or go camping with your own caravan or tent.
De Koerberg
Koerbergseweg 4-1
8181 LL Heerde